
Rashtraya swaha. Rashtraya idam na mama

Recent Activities

Annual general body meeting

This meeting was conducted on 2nd January 2021, enthusiastically participated by many members. Key note address was delivered by Sangh senior pracharak Sri Jayakumar followed by open discussions and interactions by the members.

Social Support Activities
Balikasadanam and Balabhavan. Laptop and TV distribution to the students.
Annual general body meeting

This meeting was conducted on 2nd January 2021, enthusiastically participated by many members. Key note address was delivered by Sangh senior pracharak Sri Jayakumar followed by open discussions and interactions by the members.


  • The group was informally formed in August 2018

  • First informal meeting took place in Kollam in October 2018

  • Formally inaugurated by Sri V Muraleedharan, Hon’ble Union Minister on 17th August 2019